
Affichage des articles du août, 2012

Epinéal D

Julien Nigault. Août 2012.

Finite World 4 (1)

The end of printing : the loss of general control on global culture leading to a soft fascism. It would be naïve to believe that an advertiser only sells a material product. He sells identity particules. Advertisers work in political, mediatical, literary and social ingeneering backgrounds. Never will medias let you see any fair political or any conscious ingeneer. They are financiary cosy settled childrens and wouldn't leave it for any justifications. Finance of these people sets on the simple belief that human is worthless, in any case, human are no better than themselves, and sure way less. This belief is not genuine. It's about opposite principals to human intelligence. Advertising is killers, rapists and decider's tool. They promote what they own, what they know purchasers will never get, wich is power and luxury. This process works on without any intellectual education individuals. We are on a limited earth, a finite world on wich ressources are ex...

Epinéal C

Julien Nigault. août 2012.

Epinéal B

L'image d'Epinal n'a pas le vice du cliché commercial. La glande pinéale n'est pas sujet à involution comme l'est le cerveau reptilien. Julien Nigault. Août 2012.

Epinéal A

Julien Nigault. Août 2012.

Monde Fini C

Julien Nigault. Août 2012

Finite World 3

There's no hazard in revelation's order. Finite World is the complete opposite of an advertisement. Pictures run slowly, as do sounds. It doesn't introduce anyone ephemera, fake or acting, but a nature as old as promising. It doesn't sell anything limited but proposes an available work acting on external and internal olfactory systems from viewers. It's effect depends on viewers unique experience. There is nothing to possess in Finite World that is not already inside of anyone. i give birth to my own energy in order to foil genociding effects of advertising. I painted the finite world to the bounds of human consciousness. Those bounds are a veil on wich an anti-consciousness and emancipation propaganda movies is played. The part of Finite World is to steal the subtil from the ethereal advertising puree that has a major issue: people who channel it have no subtil sensitivity. That prevent from them the creation of a coherant staging. Respect of ...

Monde Fini B

Julien Nigault. Août 2012

Finite World 2

Time is invisible, and my work consists in picturing it. Inspiration constantly floats over the mental perimeter of man, and i bring in my case a new look in order to purify from illusions, creative energy. I hold on less and less on my memory, and free mysel from learning something already known in a terrestrial way. Loss of memory is not an easy process for a conscious being because memory carry as new, traumatisms. Energy renews itself constantly and only let the individual evolve, as opposed to a mass of people. Energy is the temperature and the wind In this only,  life is meaningfull. Art is only meaningfull when it raises to the invisible, to nature that sustains materia. Emotional tramatism is the roots of our current civilisation. It is studied in order to enable consciousness evolution for people in civilisation. Lack of answer about death's nature creates ideal conditions for an effective implanting of traumatism. Inspiration is the root of communi...

Roy J

Julien Nigault. Août 2012

Finite World 1

Endless economiq growth in a finite world is impossible The retranscription of emotions takes place in the terrestrial time. Its function is to draw on the subtance coming from the polarisation of these emotions. This subtance wich is close to what we call "ego", stages archetypes. Primary being who is locaded beyond the polarised emotions strikes at density of archetypes, and steal from it its subtil interest. Subtil is a link between creator beings, who's behavior is very personnal and consists in bringing consciouness in their own space and time. They go throught and use any domain of terrestrial life, and by step, developpe the supreme technology of material and ethereal bodies Terrestrial current cannot contain those being's supreme bodies in an effective way anymore, so they can create in their personnal field the well adjusted culture to their evolution. Subtil precede the staging and when it is absorbed by the being aware of its reality, ...

Manoir H

Julien Nigault. Août 2012

Manoir G

Julien Nigault. Août 2012